Soft Summer Top Twenty Two Colours and Neutrals Fabric Swatches

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Soft Summer Top Twenty Two Colours and Neutrals Fabric Swatches


Moving on from the top ten packs, this offers a great combination of the key neutrals and key colours of Soft Summer combined together. This pack has been selected with Nikki Bogardus, founder of Prism XII. We both worked our way through hundreds of options until we felt we had the perfect twenty two.

These swatches are made by me from the drape fabric used in my colour analysis sessions. Each swatch measures 7cms high and 4.5cms wide. They are simply the easiest way to review your wardrobe or shop for your colours. You can even take them out of the wallet and build outfits and capsule colour collections.

The swatches are displayed in a neat leather wallet in navy, perfect to carry when you are shopping. The wallets will protect your swatches but also have an oval hole in the centre of each page that will let you see the real fabric when you are matching colours.

Inside the wallet you have a Prism XII mini Soft Summer palette and lipstick guide so you are always ready to shop for your best colours.
