Launching Soon .....Create your own colour palette with over 500 fabric swatches
Anni Wickham
Samples of all my drapes will be available to you soon
I have over five hundred drapes that I have made over the past four years. More and more of my clients and online customers are asking me to produce customised selections to fit their colouring, lifestyle and personality. It is naïve to think that twelve or sixteen seasons can give precise colour palettes for everyone. It requires time in a colour analysis session to finely tune a palette to a client.
Everyone will not want to follow the technical guides on how a colour palette can be built, so for those people I am going to offer them two ready made choices.
1) A pack of ten key colours for each season
I have already sold hundreds of packs of top ten colours, but up to now, they have been a mixture of neutrals and key colours. I feel that I have not given enough attention to neutrals, which are the building blocks of our wardrobes and so I am going to update the current packs to just focus on ten key colours. Here’s the first season :
Top ten colours for Cool Summer
£23.50 in the shop - soon
2) A top ten NEUTRAL pack for each season
All of my clients get very excited about finding their colours, but if they look into their wardrobe, it is the neutrals that they wear the most. For some seasons they are straight forward, but I am going to look for the perfect white, nude, grey, black, navy, olive, brown …..and a few interesting options I hope.
Neutral top ten colours for Cool Summer
£23.50 in the shop -soon
Note those sophisticated grape shades! They work so well with the pinks and navy in the palette - I’ll show some colour combinations nearer to launch.
If customers want both palettes, then I have sourced a wallet that will hold all twenty.
3) “Pick Your Own”
So this is where I make the whole palette for a season available, and if you need to look into another season, then I suggest where to pick extra swatches. I note on each swatch if it is a top ten neutral or colour, if it is a core colour, if it is a light/dark option for contrast with core colours, if it is on the soft/bright end of the season or if it is just an accent colour. I will be doing a series of blogs on how to work out where you sit within your season’s palette and the technical side of the selection I have made (just in case you are as fixated on this as me!). Here is a sneak preview for Cool Summer
Pick and Mix
All these Cool Summer Swatches to choose
Which will work best for you?
I’m so excited ! I just love building up the palettes for clients, and now I can share them with you all thanks to this surprising time we are living through where I am housebound for a few weeks.
When you read this, please give me feedback before I launch. Stay safe
Anni x